29 Apr 2021 Updates

[NanoCommons] User Needs Online Survey – Your inputs are required!

The EU H2020 NanoCommons project has prepared a short questionnaire, to collect needs and goals from you/your project in order to design the NanoCommons services tailored to the needs you identify in your work.

The results of the survey will further adapt the project offerings to the evolving community needs. It will take you approximately 5 minutes to fill it!

Feel free to circulate the link.

You can find more information about NanoCommons below.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration.


The EU H2020 project NanoCommons started in January 2018.

NanoCommons in a nutshell is:

  • Delivering a sustainable and openly accessible nanoinformatics framework (knowledgebase and integrated computational tools, supported by expert advice, data interpretation and training), for assessment of the risks of NMs, their products and their formulations by facilitating engagement with the research community, industry and regulators, and provision of funded access to the nanoinformatics tools for Transnational Access.
  • Constituting a framework of knowledge and tools to support assessment of the hazard of NMs, their transformation products and their formulations for use in advanced materials and product design, regulatory assessment of NEMs and modelling as well as education around NEMs and their application as key enabling technologies.
  • This is being done by integrating the Novel and Emerging Materials (NEMs) communities around an agreed set of approaches for data generation, data management and nanoinformatics.


Please see the attached BROCHURE for a quick overview about NanoCommons.

It is our goal to maximise the impact of EU-funding. Thus, to support the collaboration and to increase the synergy effects between EU-funded projects, we kindly ask you to contribute to the following action.

During the first year of the project, the Consortium of NanoCommons Project prepared a short questionnaire, to collect needs and goals from you/your project in order to design the NanoCommons-services tailored to the needs you identify in your work. We invite you now to complete this survey so that we may further adapt the project offerings to the evolving community needs. It will take you approximately 5 minutes to fill it!

Here is the link to the survey: https://www.nanocommons.eu/nanocommons-services-survey-intro/

If you feel you are not the right person to answer these questions, please feel free to forward this email and/or our contact details to suitable projects and stakeholders. If you have any other needs which are not listed in the survey and where you think that NanoCommons could support you, contact Beatriz Alfaro (beatriz.alfaro@bnn.at) (also if you have any questions or if you require any further information.)